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Bespoke meal planning and cooking advice

What we do

The Pocket Chef is here to transform the way you shop, eat and plan your meals. Based on your likes and dislikes, household set up, dietary requirements, time and budget, we will send you five recipes a week, along with a shopping list to make meal planning and cooking a breeze.

We will always consider how to keep food waste to a minimum, ensuring that your fresh ingredients get used throughout your weekly meals, and if we can't do that, we'll offer suggestions on using them up in lunches or other ways.

If we ask you to buy a new or slightly unusual ingredient, we will let you know what it is, perhaps some interesting history, and all the things you can do with it. We will also keep a virtual store cupboard for you, making sure we use your store cupboard ingredients in future recipes.

In addition, we're on hand to answer all of your food-based questions. Can't get hold of a certain ingredient? Let us know and we'll offer a substitute. Really fancy a certain dish? We can send you the perfect recipe for it, and build your week's meals/shopping around it. Entertaining next weekend and want something impressive but easy? We can help with that too. Or perhaps you have stuff in your fridge that needs using up. We can send you recipes or ideas off the cuff to help with that too.

Who we are


Laura Curry


Laura trained as a chef in 2015, gaining a Diploma in Food & wine from Leiths. Since then she has worked at Michel Roux Jr's cookery school, worked as a pastry chef at the Regents Park Open Air Theatre, worked as a private chef and as a development chef at COOK, where several of her dishes were awarded Great Taste awards. In her spare time she eats, reads and breathes recipes, and her cookbook collection is becoming seriously out of control!



I had a tendency to gravitate towards cooking the same dishes and I needed some inspiration to inject some excitement and variety back into my cooking. The Pocket Chef has provided the ingenuity to rediscover my culinary adventurousness, using similar ingredients in imaginative new ways. I now have the guidance I needed to produce delicious new dishes I could never have imagined myself!


We've been using The Pocket Chef for a short while and have already improved our knife skills and learned all about mirepoix! Lots of mistakes have been easily fixed, and we have mastered an excellent pasta sauce among lots of other delicious things! Evenings have been saved and disasters have been turned into wonderful meals.


The Pocket Chef has changed the way I cook. Not only has it given me new and interesting recipes to try, I now have a chef on hand to help me when I inevitable do something wrong in the kitchen. I now know how to fix a split sauce! Absolutely invaluable and could not recommend highly enough.

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